Cerebrovascular Medicine

What are “outcomes?”: The following pages showcase standardized patient outcomes that are reported on by neurosurgical practices across the country. The “observed” column represents our results, while the “expected” column represents typical results of other practices across the United States.
Why are you sharing?: We believe collecting and sharing outcome data is essential to remaining transparent with our patients. In an effort to compare clinical data with other neurosurgical practices nationwide, we actively contribute our outcome data to NeuroPoint Alliance’s Quality Outcome Database (QOD).
30-Day Post-Op Rehospitalization Rate
What It Means: Percentage of patients who need to return to a hospital with 30 days of undergoing their initial treatment. The lower this percentage, the better.
Why It Matters: A competent and skilled surgical team can increase the chances of success and reduce the chances of possible readmission to a hospital.


Patients Who Experience New Stroke Following Treatment
What It Means: The percentage of patients who experience anew stroke within the same hospitalization time of being treated for their previous stroke.
Why It Matters: Experiencing a stroke can often be fatal. Treating the source of the original stroke and limiting the chances for future strokes are essential to a patient’s well-being.


Post-Op Urinary Infection Cases
What It Means: Because catheters are needed during some cerebrovascular procedures, some patients may experience a post-operation urinary tract infection (UTI).
Why It Matters: Although infection is rare, your surgical team should take every necessary step to avoid this occurrence and ensure a comfortable recovery for the patient.


Average Age of Patients Undergoing Treatment
What It Means: The average age of patients undergoing cerebrovascular procedures, such as aneurysm coiling/clipping, embolization, thrombectomy and more.
Why It Matters: As the age of patients increases, success percentages tend to decrease. Neurosurgeons of New Jersey consistently sees better outcomes than national averages even with an older patient base.

62.9 years
Age Range: (+/- 16.2 years)
Gender Distribution: (38.7% male / 61.3% female)

59.7 years
Age Range: (+/- 14.6 years)
Gender Distribution: (40% male / 60% female)