How is stroke risk affected by air pollution? It all has to do with the carotid arteries in the neck, which bring blood to the brain.
Facing surgery is a scary thing. Patients worry about the operation and the outcome and don’t know what to expect. The Columbia Neurosurgery Network – New Jersey offers Pre-Op Essentials sessions to help ease patients’ fears.
Neurosurgeons of New Jersey is pleased to announce that”Cerebrovascular Office Hours” will now be offered each Friday. The office hours are for patients who want to meet with a doctor about cerebrovascular problems like cerebral aneurysms, arteriovenous malformation, carotid diseases, and more.
Most of us are aware that March goes “in like a lion, out like a lamb.” But did you know that March is a special month for the brain? Two different campaigns during March bring awareness to brain research and brain injuries.
The Valley Hospital held its third Annual Neurocritical Care Symposium recently. About 100 nurses, physicians, and other medical staff attended. They came to earn continuing medical education credits, learn about…