Most of us are aware that March goes “in like a lion, out like a lamb.” But did you know that March is a special month for the brain? Two different campaigns during March bring awareness to brain research and brain injuries.
The Valley Hospital held its third Annual Neurocritical Care Symposium recently. About 100 nurses, physicians, and other medical staff attended. They came to earn continuing medical education credits, learn about…
We learned it growing up from parents, teachers, and coaches: practice makes perfect. This adage applies not only to tying our shoes, solving math problems, or sinking a basket, but…
We are going to take a momentary break from the serious business of neurosurgery and revel in one of life’s joyous benchmarks. Last week, Judi’s son turned one! Look at that…
One day when Alan Grieco was in his fifties, without warning, a pain on the side of his face started. It was stabbing, sudden and sharp as lightning. Grieco sought relief and received the diagnosis trigeminal neuralgia, one of the worst facial pain syndromes known.