Lower back pain and sciatica affects nearly everyone at one time or another. The pain can limit your normal work and recreational activities, and it can prevent you from fully…
Minimally invasive lumbar decompression is a type of surgery that is done to treat back pain or sciatica caused by bulging or herniated discs or by facet joint arthritis. The…
We are thrilled to announce the addition of neurosurgeon Dr. Paul Gigante to our Neurosurgeons of New Jersey practice. Although we’re welcoming him as a new addition, Dr. Gigante is already a familiar face…
Dr. Richard Anderson helped research the genetics of a specific type of childhood cancer, called craniopharyngioma. The research opens the possibility of a new treatment approach for the disease. Continue reading… Learn more…
Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that causes severe episodes of intense facial pain or abnormal sensation. The condition seems to come on for no apparent reason, and the intensity of…