Nurse Practitioner Ann Finck
Nurse Practitioner Ann Finck has accomplished many great things in her 47 years of experience. Her gentle bedside manner and high level of experience make her a natural choice as a patient’s guide during what can be a very stressful time.
To that end, she leads New Jersey’s Presurgical Information Sessions. The sessions explain things like hospital routines and equipment, and also feature a virtual tour of the hospital where surgery will be performed.
A thank you letter from one patient shows just how helpful both the session and Mrs. Finck’s guidance can be.
Thank you!
Meeting with you prior to my operation was the best decision my wife and I made. The information you provided us along with the virtual tour of the facility made walking into the hospital on the day of surgery much less stressful. Everything was exactly as you described and where you said it would be. Meeting with you was worth every minute.
Mrs. Finck is also an experienced ICU nurse instructor, and in 2012 she was awarded Columbia University’s Clinical Nursing Excellence Award.
You can read another article about the importance of the Presurgical Info Sessions here.
Learn more about the Presurgical Info Sessions here.
Learn more about Nurse Practitioner Ann Finck on her bio page here.