To understand this condition, it is also important to understand the anatomy of the lumbar spine.
The lower back, known as the lumbar spine, is composed of five vertebrae. These vertebrae are in the lower section of the spine, between the ribs and the pelvis.
Transforaminal lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) is a type of spinal fusion surgery used to treat degenerative spine disease and stabilize the lumbar spine. The goal of TLIF surgery is to fuse the vertebrae together, restore disc height, stabilize the spine, and alleviate pain.
PLIF surgery, or posterior lumbar interbody fusion, is a surgical procedure in which the spinal surgeon repairs the lower (lumbar) spine from the back (posterior) of the patient’s body.
”We don't believe in one blanket treatment, but rather we determine what's the best course for you and your lifestyle. At Neurosurgeons of New Jersey, we pride ourselves on simplifying...
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Understanding the cause and symptoms of a herniated lumbar disc can help to determine the best treatment option for your condition.