As we all know, word-of-mouth can be the very best way to find a physician, and no one speaks more highly about the Neurosurgeons here at Columbia University Medical Center and…
Last September, in the Bergen County Special Services School District, a rumor spread that their well-loved social worker and union co-president, Elyse Schifrien, had passed away. Elyse was only 58 years old and in good health. She had been…
“For the rest of my life I will never forget the words that Dr. Anderson first said when I sat in his office reviewing my daughter’s medical records, ‘This is a solvable problem.’” Tracee’s seven year old daughter Paige had been diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation 1 (CM1) and Syringomyelia. “When I left his office that night I slept for the first time in weeks…
“It all started one winter morning in 1985,” says antiques dealer Carol Marks, “when I fell down a set of icy concrete stairs.” Carol was able to walk away from the injury but she was left with terrible back pain–pain that she would battle for the next 25 years…