Trigeminal neuralgia, sometimes called the “suicide disease,” is reportedly one of the worst of the facial pain syndromes and it is also one of the most common. The pain occurs in short bursts, usually on one side of the face, and is described as “stabbing” or like an “electrical shock” …
“For the rest of my life I will never forget the words that Dr. Anderson first said when I sat in his office reviewing my daughter’s medical records, ‘This is a solvable problem.’” Tracee’s seven year old daughter Paige had been diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation 1 (CM1) and Syringomyelia. “When I left his office that night I slept for the first time in weeks…
“For the rest of my life I will never forget the words that Dr. Anderson first said when I sat in his office reviewing my daughter’s medical records, ‘This is a solvable problem.’” Tracee’s seven year old daughter Paige had been diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation 1 (CM1) and Syringomyelia. “When I left his office that night I slept for the first time in weeks…
A Chiari malformation made Linda’s life terribly difficult–even keeping her from laughing. Read Linda’s story and find out how she got her laughter back.